Asphalt Plant Locations


Browse some of our most recent and notable projects.

  • Route 28 Hot Spots Improvements

    This $6.3 Million project involved the widening of Northbound Route 28 from McLaren Road to the Dulles Toll Road, as well as Southbound Route 28 from Waxpool Road to Route 50...

  • Route 606 Reconstruction and Widening

    Virginia Paving teams completed this $13 Million public project in Loudoun County, VA over a three- year period beginning October of 2015...

  • Dulles Toll Road and Route 7 Interchange

    Virginia Paving teams performed full-depth asphalt pavement and roadway widening on this $1.7 Million project for VDOT...

  • I-395 Express Lanes Project

    This $28 Million public roadway project involves the addition of a third lane to the existing I-395 HOV, and a realignment of eight miles of the roadway...

  • Dulles Toll Road Pavement Repairs

    This $2.8 Million rehabilitation project involved completing substantial amounts of work under tight deadline to reduce impact on this heavily travelled roadway...